Thursday, March 6, 2025

Devotee (Gursikh)

In order to travel the spiritual path in life, one must assume the role of a Gursikh. Just as a fish can never climb a mountain, the spiritually ignorant human being can never follow the road to God and salvation. A Gursikh is the disciple who is fully devoted to his Guru, or Spiritual Master. He or she is the perfect student of the perfect Lordmaster.

In the world, in any major religion, there are millions who strive to be good disciples. There are those who pray daily, who give to the needy, who frequent temples and churches, who make pilgrimages, who try to be kind, who try to be humble and who try to love. Yet no matter how much we try, without a Guru, one can never be a Gursikh. Just as life on earth cannot exist without the sun, a Gursikh cannot exist without a Satguru.

Once the Satguru is found, then God enlightenment must be attained. Once enlightenment is attained, then the fine process of becoming a Gursikh begins. The God-enlightened soul is a diamond in the rough. It can take days to cut a diamond to perfection and to make it shine. Similarly, the process of becoming the ideal Gursikh takes years, and requires  regular moulding by the three tasks of Sewa, Satsang and Simran. As these tasks are repeated daily, weekly and monthly, the Gursikh is cut and smoothened into a priceless jewel that radiates light and love to those who surround him.

A true Gursikh obeys the Satguru without questioning and without doubting. The will of the Satguru is the command of the Gursikh. A Gursikh does not pick the teachings he likes to follow, but follows every word and every direction from the Satguru flawlessly. A Gursikh has unconditional faith in the Satguru and is a scholar of the Satguru’s teachings.


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