Strength in Adverse Moments

As we read the famous law of Energy in Physics,

Energy cannot be created nor be destroyed. It can only be transferred from one form to another.

Similarly, whenever we get angry about something and take out our frustration on someone else. The negative energy from us gets transferred to the other person. Now when this person absorbs that negative energy in himself and converts it into positive energy, that’s when we see how powerful he is. Whoever he will be dealing with in society, he will transfer his positive energy everywhere, which will create a great chain of positive aspirations in the world outside. 

On the contrary, if a person is not strong enough, he will not be able to handle and absorb negative energy coming from the other person and neither will be able to convert it to positivity, rather will transmit it on to someone else. There is no guarantee to what degree this negativity can reach and what could be its consequences in the world. And all this happened because one person was not able to implement high spiritual values in his/her life and couldn’t tolerate the negativity coming from outside. 

Little drops of water, little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land. Each one is a little entity that has the potential to make something huge. Let’s all contribute to make this world a harmonious one.