Friday, January 17, 2025

HomeKids-Tweens-TeensNot Letting Unnecessary Desires Control Us

Not Letting Unnecessary Desires Control Us

Having desires is not a crime. Such as having goals and aspirations, there’s no harm in that. If one wants to achieve something, they should of course strive for it. It’s so amazing to see a well-deserved accomplishment for those who earned it. But for some, there comes a point, where in one’s life, these desires turn into something a little darker.

A point where your greed comes in to play, your ego overshadows your thoughts. It grows into “I want this, I want that, etc.” It’s all shallow. Your focus in life changes into being stuck with want, never being satisfied. You’ll just become hung up on being rich, being wealthy to get this car, that house, showing off.

They’re allowing their desire, or in Hindi, “ichha,” to take the driver’s seat in their life. Their greed is driving them into having these superficial and materialistic desires.

We are children of Nirankar first and foremost. And we always will be. So being Nirankar’s children, especially with this God-knowledge, why should we let these desires cloud our minds? Why are we in the backseat and letting this “ichha” take full control of our car?

We have to take control of the wheel. Obliterate this hunger and thirst for more, more, and more. This “ichha” is just one of the many obstacles we have to face on the road in order to fully attain eternal bliss.

Desires can be good and bad, but it’s up to us to decide which route to take on that.


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